Saturday, May 14, 2011

2011 Legislative session

The 2011 Legislative Session is over

The 2011 Legislative Session is over - without addressing jobs, tax reform, and economic development

The 2011 Legislative Session was anti-worker, anti-woman, anti-poor, anti-public education, anti-immigrant, and anti-health care. A lot of time was wasted debating "Obamacare," Sharia law, repeal of child labor laws, requiring that driver's license be in English only, and defunding public broadcasting,



seniors keep RX assistance
farmers keep local control
business- franchise tax repeal
guns - lowers age for conceal carry
Republicans gain congressional power
big donors
puppy mills
those who pray

women lose choice options
farmers lose on property rights
taxpayers see no tax reform
the poor will be drug tested for TANF benefits
voters left out of by congressional redistricting
citizens see no ethics reform
dogs and the initiative petition process
taxpayers see no tax credit reform
unemployed lose benefits
voters- photo ID required
payday loan industry - anti "reform" reform didn't move

Some bad ideas left on the table included right to work for less, repeal of cost of living increases for minimum wage, repeal of property tax circuit breaker for low income seniors, and paycheck deception.



Expands rights of CAFOs (factory farms) at the expense of the rights of family farmers. Signed by Governor.

9.Unemployment Benefits: Cuts 6 weeks of unemployment benefits for Missourians out of work.

8. Education- HB 2,3: Underfunds all levels of education.

7. Franchise Tax: eliminates the corporate franchise tax for businesses with assets of more than $1 million. This action reduces state revenue by $87.5 million a year at a time when Universities and public schools have been cut. The Governor signed SB 19.

6. Restricting Women's Reproductive Rights- SB 65

Restricts reproductive rights of women as it puts further restrictions on late-term abortions in Missouri. It raises the legal bar for procedure after 20 weeks of gestation.

5. Drug Testing:

Authorizes drug testing of applicants who are the recipients of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. Testing could be ordered if the department officials have "reasonable cause" to believe the recipient is using illegal drugs. The bill is premised on the unsubstantiated stereotype that welfare recipients tend to be drug users. Sent to the Governor.

4. Conceal and Carry:

Expands conceal and carry laws to lower the age for a permit to 21 and to allow legislative assistants to join legislators in carrying guns in the Capitol.

3. Redistricting: Gerrymanders congressional redistricting map to allow six Republican- leaning districts and two Democratic districts. Governor Nixon vetoed the measure, the legislature overrode the veto.

2.Voter ID:

Requires state-administered photo identification in order for a person to vote. This measure disenfranchises those voters who do not have a license or state-issued ID. This measure will go to voters for approval in 2012.

1. Discrimination Legislation- SB 188

Increases the difficulty of proving discrimination in the workplace, and would throw new hurdles in the path of those whose rights have been violated. Governor Nixon vetoed SB 188.

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